Pageant Head Shots
Need winning pageant HEAD SHOTS for your next beauty pageant? Let Universal Royalty pageant photographer help you get an edge over your competition with professional pageant head shots. Our pageant photographers provide you with signature photographs that make a good first and lasting impression. Choose your pageant photo package today.
Four large resolution email photo with FREE Photos Retouching, Hair and makeup included.
Pageant Photo Retouching
If you already have your own pageant head shot we can retouch your photo from natural, semi to full glitz photo retouching starting at $90 per photo. We can add teeth, eyelashes, change backgrounds, remove blemishes, change colors and lots more. Universal Royalty offers a low price for our retouching services, regardless of how retouching your photo needs and you get quality, professional retouching for your beauty pageant head shots and portfolio photos.
Hair And Makeup For Pageant Head Shots And Beauty Pageants
Need Hair and Makeup for your pageant photo shoot or upcoming beauty pageant? Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant has TRAINED LICENSED professionals that can have you looking your winning best for pageant head shots or our upcoming beauty pageants. All pageant photo shoots, hair and makeup services must be prepaid and all fees are non refundable. Schedule your appointment right now at